Dissemination and exploitation activities ( WP 6)

The main objective of this work package is to promote the project visibility by creating an own identity. Moreover, the work package aims at dissemination of the EERA-DTOC project results and its design tool for wind farm clusters interconnections amongst a variety of stakeholders in the field: project developers, project planners, transmission system operators, consultants and research institutes. The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) network will be a primary network of dissemination and exploitation of the project results. A set of communication channels and tools will be developed for an increased awareness of the EERA-DTOC project and tools created within the lifetime of the project.

The dissemination activities are divided into several tasks:

WP6.1 - Development of a communication and dissemination plan including a mailing list targeting main stakeholders.

  • This task consists in a creation of a communication and dissemination plan that will provide the framework and structure of all project dissemination activities.

WP6.2 – Project identity

  • A specific project identity will be created in order to reinforce the project’s external image and to ensure a transversal coherence between all project communication channels.

WP6.3 – Website

  • A web site will be set up by EWEA to provide public information about the project goals, status and major deliverables to all stakeholders interested in the development and final results of the project.

WP6.4 – Presentations and publications

  • During the project’s lifetime, project partners will discuss and present intermediate and other outcomes at major wind and renewable energy events, such as EWEA, EERA conferences, Renewable UK events, DEWEK annual conferences. When appropriate, project partners will also publish articles in various magazines such as Wind Power Monthly, EERA’s newsletters and Wind Directions (EWEA’s magazines published five times a year) and/or scientific publications through either e-journals or traditional paper magazines.

WP6.5 – Targeted workshops and seminars

  • The working seminars will be organised during the lifetime of the project: one will take place in the beginning of the project (month 2) and the next one will take place in the mid of the project (month 18).

WP6.6 – Dissemination plan and exploitation plan

  • The plan for use and dissemination of foreground of EERA-DTOC will be handled by Risoe DTU in collaboration with partners. The exploitable results of the project, in particular the commercial potential of the platform to be developed in EERA-DTOC, will be considered to be exploited through own resources.


Outcomes will be seminar and workshop proceedings, the public web-site www.eera-dtoc.eu , presentations at major events, publications in e- and paper journals and specialised magazines. At the end of the project an exploitation plan will be made public.


Work package leader:

Work package partners: